Bristol Aggie’s Center for Science and the Environment Wins Grand Prize Award!
Our design of Bristol County Agricultural High School’s Center for Science and the Environment earned a Grand Prize award from Learning by Design for exemplary educational architecture that addresses sustainability and social impact, next-generation learning, effective space planning, and community needs.

Designed as a living learning center, the Center for Science and the Environment (CSE) features a student-curated natural resource museum, a grooming lab, bio-secure labs, flexible classrooms, and a student-planted roof garden. Each space is carefully tailored to accommodate specific program needs with innovative technology, lighting and thermal control, and specialized equipment that enable partnerships with local and national environmental organizations. Sustainable design elements, including green roofs, photovoltaics, and composting toilets, reinforce Bristol Aggie’s curriculum rooted in science and environmental education.
Learning by Design’s Educational Facilities Design Awards highlights successful school projects from early childhood to higher education. The Grand Prize award winners earned special recognition for addressing six critical aspects of a successful learning environment: design challenges and innovation, sustainability and social impact, interior architecture, next-generation learning, effective space planning, and community needs. The CSE demonstrates the concept of architecture as a learning tool—with building systems and sustainable design on display for students, the facility itself has become an integral part of the school’s curriculum.

“The Center for Science and the Environment embodies a commitment to sustainability and hands-on learning. Incorporating green roofs, outdoor learning spaces, and composting toilets, the design reflects the school’s focus on agriculture and the environment.”
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