HMFH Bus Tour 2021

HMFHers gathered for our 2021 bus tour to explore current HMFH construction projects and learn more about the exciting work of fellow project teams. This year, the tour took us through Bristol County Agricultural High School and Fales Elementary School.

After more than a year apart, HMFHers were thrilled to spend a day together for our annual bus tour, where we learned about the work of our colleagues and were able to experience these spectacular spaces first-hand!
The bus tour provides a perfect opportunity for project teams to share their creative work with one another and inspire future innovative designs. The tour brought the firm through Bristol County Agricultural High School and Fales Elementary School, both of which are currently under construction and set to open later this year.

Bristol County Agricultural High School
HMFH’s designs and renovations for six buildings on the Bristol Aggie campus will establish a sense of connectivity throughout and accommodate the school’s wide range of unique and high-level vocational programs centered around agriculture. Beyond the specialty spaces that will provide students with the resources necessary to excel in their academic and vocational endeavors, the entire campus functions as a teaching tool with its exposed heavy timber structural elements, highly visible sustainable mechanical and electrical systems, recycled and renewable materials, composting systems, and water conservation systems.

Fales Elementary School
As the first net-positive energy public school in Massachusetts, the Annie E. Fales elementary school is breaking new ground in the design of energy efficient schools. Sawtooth roof shapes provide optimal positioning for PV panels on the south side, while on the north face skylights draw daylight into the learning spaces. Stunning light conditions and views of the surrounding environment, including woodlands, meadows, and a pond, characterize the new elementary school, while staggered window heights and child-scaled details demonstrate how a breakthrough design can also be a welcoming and engaging environment for both its young learners and teachers.