Suni Dillard Helps Develop Embodied Carbon Series

A champion of healthy materials and one of HMFH’s own sustainability leaders, Suni Dillard drives environmentally responsible design both in and out of the office. She recently helped develop a new 12-part program hosted by the Boston Society for Architecture on embodied carbon—the emissions created by materials’ production processes—to empower fellow industry professionals to employ carbon reduction strategies in the built environment.

Supported by the Carbon Leadership Forum group in Boston, the panel topics include basic literacy as well as procurement, structure, engineering, and advanced certifications. In addition to advising the BSA on the series’ development, she moderated the installment on structure and will be moderating the advanced panel on certifications and commitments.
Since joining HMFH, Suni has quickly established herself as a resource and advocate for the integration of social, environmental, and economically sustainable solutions to design challenges of all sizes.
Panels from the Embodied Carbon 101 series are recorded and archived here.